Extroverted vs. Introverted
What`s the first image that pops into your head when you think of a spirited child? I think the popular impression is that of a fearless child that is like a human ping-pong ball with an unending motor mouth banter that defies the speed of sound. Did I come close? The truth is, being spirited can come in a variety of different packages, depending on how the person is internally wired.
Not every spirited child is physically energetic or outgoing. `Spirited`simply means a characteristic intensity. Whether that be the constant physical need to move, the passionately chatty or a very determined and persistent demeanor. My son falls in the last two categories. He`s not overly active in the physical sense, but is very sure of what he wants and how he feels about everything and has no qualms about fighting to the very end to defend his point! Our challenges lie in battles of will and emotional intensity.
The same goes for the socially cautious spirited child. Contrary to what many may think, they are not all animated, outgoing and chatty. According to Mary Sheida Kurcinka, author of`"Raising Your Spirited Child", we all draw our energy in different ways depending on whether we are primarily extroverted or introverted. The classic extrovert is the person who is the life of the party, heading the fundraisers, and are the ones who love to talk to anyone and everyone. They draw their energy from the people around them. They need that in order to function happily. The introvert, who makes up about 1/3 of the populas, is the person who is the quiet, thoughtful one that usually prefers meaningful company of 1 or 2 and gravitates toward jobs or activities that are solitary and specialized. They need quiet times of reflection and peace to refuel and energize.
Understanding which tendancy your spirited child falls into, as well as yourself, goes a long way into understanding and disciplining your child. My son, for example, loves people but only in small groups and for a limited time. After a couple of hours, he gets overly assertive and highly emotional and it can quickly spiral into a meltdown that he has a very hard time coming down from. He is primarily introverted and needs time throughout his day where it`s quiet and his mind can process what`s been going on. His spirited nature comes through emotionally.
How you can detertime which one you and your child are with the following questions:
-After being in a mall or at a family gathering all day, do you or your child feel energized or do you just want to have some peace and quiet? Does your child start to act out or get aggressive after an extended play session?
-What is your social circle like? Do you or your child prefer a few close friends or is more the merrier?
-When a question is presented, do you answer immediately? Or do you need some time to think before coming up with your answer. How about your child? Are decisions difficult?
Once you`ve determined which tendancies you have and what your child prefers, you can start to try and understand why they may do the things they do and how you can handle explosive meltdowns and even prevent them. If you`re an introverted mama but your child is extroverted, you may need to put some focus and effort into bringing them into more social environments like playgroups, preschool, or daycare once or twice a week if you are a stay-at-home mom. They will be much more content and agreeable if that fundamental energy need is met.
Or, if you`re an extroverted mom and your child is introverted, you may need to pay extra attention to being sensitive to when your child needs to refuel and has had enough of a highly social stimulus. Even just taking a 5 or 10 minute quiet break like a little walk outside, or working on a puzzle or reading a book alone may be all he needs to recharge and prevent a grumpy blowout.
It`s simple really. Once you understand what the fundamental nature of your child is, as well as yourself, it just comes down to energy. If ours and our childrens`energy stores are properly topped up, we are happier, and therefore more agreeable. That means less melt downs and spiralling emotional outbursts from our intensely driven dynamos. This is very important in developing not only a peaceful household, but in helping to instill confidence and a strong sense of self-esteem within your child when they know how to accept their unique nature and have the tools to handle their own intensity.
Kindermusik with Miss. Rose
Licensed Kindermusik Educator and parent, Miss. Rose, offers Music & Movement classes for children ages newborn to 7 with studio classes in Steinbach. She also invites you to join in sharing a variety of parenting and early childhood development topics and resources.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Fall School-Year 2012 Classes- Steinbach
Village is for lap babies,
crawlers, and walkers. It incorporates the most current research on early
childhood development and provides families a special place for learning and
connecting with other parents and babies through music and movement. Home
Materials include colourful board books, Home CDs of the songs heard in class, a set of Art
Banners for the nursery wall that strengthens visions and promotes early
literacy, and a set of shape shakers for music-making at home. The home
materials set is offered with or without an adorable diaper bag that can be used
for carrying materials to and from class
Program runs from Fall to end of May with breaks over
Christmas & Spring Break.
Weekly classes starting Tuesday, Sept. 11 from 10:30 -
11:15 am.
Tuition is $65.00 per
month including your home materials.
For 18 months - 3 year olds
This music-filled class celebrates the unique joys of your growing child. Each week your child will love singing, dancing, and playing instruments with you and her new friends and you’ll love helping her practice a wide variety of abilities such as gross and fine motor skills, turn-taking, social skills, and active listening. In class, we’ll also share tips and ideas for using music throughout the week. Plus, the fun (and learning!) continue with the Kindermusik@Home digital home materials, including music from class, musical activities, an instrument every third month and each month’s story.
Program runs from Fall to end of May with breaks over
Christmas & Spring Break.
Weekly classes starting Saturday, Sept. 15 from 9:30 -
10:15 am.
(Possibly a Wednesday morning class if there is
demand for it)
For 3 & 4 year olds
Each week in class we combine your preschooler’s natural love of music, storytelling, and imaginative play with age-appropriate activities that introduce early music concepts and foster independence, social and emotional skills, language growth, and self-control. We also connect you with other parents who share in the wonder of parenting a preschooler. Parents join class for the final activities. The Kindermusik@Home digital home materials bring the music, activities, an instrument every third month, and each month’s story everywhere you go. The repetition enhances the learning—and the fun!
Program runs from Fall to end of May with breaks over
Christmas & Sping Break.
Weekly classes starting Wednesday, Sept. 12 from 2:30 -
3:15 pm.
Tuition is $65.00 per
month including your home materials.
Home Materials: Two Books—Bouncing on the Bed and Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, two Home CDs, Family Guide, domino game, and two double-egg shaker instruments.
-Program runs from Fall to end of May with breaks
over Christmas & Spring Break.
-Weekly classes starting Saturday, Sept. 15 from 11:00
- 11:45 am.
-Tuition is $65.00
per month including your home materials.
-Multiple children
discounts include: 30% off for 2nd child, 50% off for 3rd child, and 4th child
or additional baby under 1 year is FREE!
**Enroll by
August 1st to qualify for the 10% Early Bird Discount. Come to the Fall Fair Day
at the Steinbach Arts Centre on June 7th from 4:30 - 8:00 pm to be the first to
enroll! Or contact me at 370-8901 or 433-3589 or rfkindermusik@gmail.com to register
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